„Bez Ducha svatého nemůže být ani křesťanství, jen víra v tradici.“ Etnografická studie letničního a neocharismatického společenství v současné ČR ****************************************************************************************** * Monika Soukupová ****************************************************************************************** Abstrakt This article focuses on the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements as part of Evangelical C in contemporary Czech Republic. The text is a resumé of ethnographic research conducted in Pentecostal Churches – the Apostolic Church in Prague and the Christian Fellowship Church. communities, certain aspects of Pentecostal church life were observed using the participan method, as well as interviews with informants. The aim of the research was to focus on how understand Pentecostal religiosity, and where we can see some crucial aspects of this kind within church activities. I try to explain why the home groups and community prayer are mo my informants than large-scale impersonal activities. Further attention was focused on the of evangelization. I want to demonstrate the shift from mass evangelization in the 1990s t personal form of evangelization, based on deep personal relationships with unbelievers. Klíčová slova Christianity; Evangelicalism; Pentecostal; Charismatic; Church; Evangelization Článek v PDF ke stažení [ URL "LM-464-version1-bez_ducha_svateho_nemuze_byt_a.pdf"] Monika Soukupová [ URL "LM-365.html "]